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Mimic AI

Analyze, Audit and Generate Viral Tweets With AI

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Don't Spray and Pray,
Aim and Fire.

Do you hate guessing what makes a tweet go viral


Struggle to craft the perfect reply quickly?


So do we.


To solve both of those problems,


We'd like to introduce Mimic AI,


The best tool for social media marketers and ghostwriters.

A Machine With A Heart

Mimic AI creates context-based human-like replies at the push of a button.


Select a personality, and you are all set


You can also train your AI to mimic your style of writing through its in-built library. 

Mimic AI Thumbnail (Test 2).png
Mimic AI Thumbnail (Test).png

Post Like A Chess Grandmaster

Always stay 20 moves ahead by predicting the future.

Mimic AI:

  • Analyzes your post,

  • Predicts the future performance

  • Gives you feedback

  • Improves on your post.


All with the click of a button.

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